Mach Sakai: Marui M92F Air Cocking
Mach Sakai finds another air cocking airsoft pistol to review in the form of the Tokyo Marui HG M92F Military Spring Cocking Airsoft Pistol. A much affordable airsoft pistol, it has full markings and...
View ArticleBanana Airsoft: G&G GC16 Predator Overview
Banana Airsoft have the G&G GC16 Predator AEG which is one the latest release from G&G Armament. In this video they do overview of the exterior and test firing. They find it an impressisve AEG...
View ArticleTokyo Marui Hi-Capa 5.1 Gold Match Review
Howzine does a "Consumer Review" of the newly released Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa Gold Match 5.1 Gas Blowback Pistol which he finds it to be a very solid airsoft GBB Pistol. It's now available at retailers in...
View ArticleEvike [The Gun Corner]: G&P M4 PDW Series
More compact AEGs are in the market these days and now available at are the G&P "Golf Ball" Texture Keymod M4 PDW Full Metal Airsoft AEGs. These have the MOTS receiver with the textured...
View ArticleTRMR X4 Impact Grenade Review
Fuse Custom Works does a review on the TRMR X4 Impact Grenade... "Here is a video I produced for JD Airsoft some time ago and it has had enough time to circulate on their YouTube channel so im...
View ArticleAirsoft GI Veteran's Day Mystery Box
Another Mystery Box from Airsoft GI coming up this weekend in observance of Veteran's Day... "This Veteran's Day Mystery Box will be going live Veteran's Weekend Saturday November 14th at 12:00PM PST...
View ArticleAirsoft Marksman By Red Army Airsoft Club
Watch this video and the story that was put together by the Red Army Airsoft Club for an airsoft sniper/marksman and show the use of the Mancraft PDiK and the Orga Airsoft Magnus Barrel... "This is the...
View ArticleAPS CAM870 3-Gun Version At eHobby Asia
With 3-Gun Nation slowly getting a firm foothold in airsoft, especially amongst shooting enthusiasts in Hong Kong, APS are at the right place at the right time with their APS CAM870 Shell-Ejecting CO2...
View ArticleWE 888 AEG Review By Hyperdouraku
The latest review done by Toi Gentaro for Hyperdouraku covers the WE Airsoft 888 AEG, or WE's AEG version of the Heckler & Koch HK416 Rifle. Most of the parts are made of aluminium and whilst it is...
View Article10 Reasons Why FAT Airsofters Are Better
Diles46 of Intrigue Airsoft puts out a video listing 10 reasons why fat airsofters are better. You better listen to him to make your day sunny.. "Here is our top 10 list of why we believe big softers...
View's NSRT "NODE!" Episode 76
It's's "Not So Round Table" Talk Show Episode 76 and they have D (yes, the letter "D") from NODE as their special guest. Well, most of you know about NODE, the famous YouTube Channel, where...
View ArticleAirsoft `Nade Launcher Marksmanship Part 1
NinjaTurtle1980 shows the fundamentals of Grenade Launcher Marksmanship in airsoft basing it on the U.S. Army Field Manual... "I am putting together a series of Airsoft grenade launcher marksmanship...
View ArticleWGC Shop: APS Dragonfly D-Mod CO2
Now in stock at WGC Shop is the APS Dragonfly D-Mod CO2 BlowBack Pistol... "Wanna have different handgun for airsoft? Here's the best alternative choice! With the CO2 mag and outstanding design, which...
View ArticleSIDELOK Aimpoint Micro Mount Released
The SIDELOK Micro Mount from the Kinetic Development Group designed for the Aimpoint Micro Optics series is now available... "The Sidelok is a revolutionary new mounting system for optics. The patented...
View ArticlePTS KWA Nozzle Set & BAD ASS Short Throw
Three new product announcements from PTS Syndicate today and are mainly for the KWA LM4 or the KSC version of the LM4. The first one is the power-up Nozzle set, and the nex two are the B.A.D. ASS Short...
View ArticleMilitary1st Launch Their New Website
Check out the new and improved online store of! Designed to make your online shopping experience easier, you can easily navigate your way through the website to find the latest...
View ArticleAres, ICS, & Systema Sale At Firesupport
Time to save up on your budget which you have the opportunity to do with Firesupport's ICS, Ares Airsoft and Systema Sale. According to Frank of Firesupport, you can save up to £400 on some items, and...
View ArticleImpact Force Custom TM G17 w/ APS-X System
This is a good looking custom gas blowback pistol from Impact Force CQB. The Impact Force Custom TM G17 with APS-X System has been put together using as base gun the Tokyo Marui Glock 17 Gas Blowback...
View ArticleICS Instagram Promo & M3 Grease Gun Video
Two news items from ICS today, with the first one we already announced a weeks back. One is the new product video of the ICS M3 Grease Gun AEG which many of our readers have learned about and the...
View ArticleHyperdouraku: Marui M4A1 MWS Unboxing
It's finally out, the much awaited Tokyo Marui M4A1 MWS Gas Blowback Rifle is now released and the reviewers in Japan are now going through the motions of reviewing this rifle. Hyperdouraku is one of...
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