Ares EDM200 Review By Red Army Airsoft
Red Army Airsoft reviews the Ares Airsoft EDM200 Sniper Rifle. More commonly known as the Cheytac M200 Intervention, this is a big sniper rifle to carry. This comes with the bipod included in the...
View ArticleRevolving Shotgun Airsoft Prototype
Seen on Vimeo is a video showing a Revolving Shotgun Airsoft Prototype. This looks a prototype done with 3D printing by Pancake Ayaka and you can load up to 6 shotgun shells at any given time. We are...
View ArticleAirsoftjunkiez & TCA On Op Serious Viking
Third Coast Airsoft joins Airsoftjunkiez in this video to talk about the Operation Serious Viking that will take place on the 16th to 18th of September 2016 with tickets now available. A video showing...
View ArticleHigh Ground Airsoft Summer Palooza Video
USAirsoft posts the gameplay video of the Summer Palooza event by High Ground Airsoft in Texas... "The Airsoft Summer Palooza was an awesome event based in the walls of the High Ground Airsoft facility...
View ArticleTasmanian Tiger TT Chest Rig Modular
Video released by Tasmanian Tiger showing the TT Chest Rig Modular, one of the better chest rigs out in the market for some time now... "TT Chest Rig Modular by TASMANIAN TIGER with Molle system for...
View ArticleAres UMP EBB 2016 Version At WGC Shop
WGC Shop announce that the 2016 Version of the Ares Airsoft UMP Electric Blowback AEG is now in stock. An affordable AEG at US$120.00 this is powered by a stick-type AK battery and is made up of Nylon...
View ArticleEcho1 AMD-65 & Future Weapons Mystery Box
If you are feeling lucky this week, then try out the Airsoft GI Future Weapons Mystery Vox where you get to unbox, if you are lucky, airsoft guns with the most modern designs such as those from Krytac,...
View ArticleAirsoft Surgeon Tanaka Tactical M870
It's a custom shotgun this time from Clarence Lai, releasing the Airsoft Surgeon Tanaka Tactical M870 Gas Shotgun which you can order from RedWolf Airsoft... "Airsoft Surgeon used to produce a lot of...
View ArticleFishbone Airsoft: BB Penetration Test
Fishbone Airsoft does an interesting test of doing a gelatin penetration test with light and heavy BBs at high FPS... "This time I have decided to answer a question I have had on my mind for some time....
View ArticleAirsoftTech23 Tests A Drenched GBB Pistol
AirsoftTech23 tests his airsoft pistol if it can still shoot after putting water through it... "Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistol Underwater???- Airsoft Gun In Water?! | Can It Still Shoot?!: So Today I...
View ArticleEvike [The Gun Corner]: EMG SAI GRY AEG
The EMG Salient Arms Internation GRY AR-15 is now available at with magazine deal bundles... "The Salient Arms Internation GRY AR-15 rifle lives at the cutting edge of firearm design....
View ArticleLCT M60 VN Steel Limited Edition Review
Bruce of BB2K Airsoft gets a biggie for a review, the LCT Airsoft M60 VN Steel Limited Edition... "The M60 of LCT! A tidbit for every collector and Vietnam Reenactor. The phosphate steel body, rubber...
View ArticleICS Captain 2017 Applications Now Open
Alice Chen of ICS Airsoft sends in news that they are looking for their next ICS Captain for 2017. If you are interested in becoming one, now is the time to apply... "Hi, Big Fans! Here’s some Good...
View Article020 Magazine Issue No. 7 Now Online
Issue No. 7 of 0'20 Magazine can now be read online... "The new 0'20 Magazine is available! Both paper and digital editions are FREE to browse. Also, you can find our FREE paper magazine at hundreds of...
View ArticleMilitary1st: Pentagon Hydration 2.0 Backpack
Airsoft players need to be hydrated especially under the intense summer sun and have something for that, the Pentagon Hydration 2.0 Backpack... "Durable and practical Pentagon...
View ArticleAirsoftology: Krytac MK2 AEG Series
The Krytac MK2 Series with the updated CRB, SPR and PDW AEGs out in the market, it's time for Jonathan Higgs to give his thoughts on the update line in this Airsoftology video... "Jonathan checks out...
View ArticleG&P SAI M4 & More At Landwarrior Airsoft
Check out the new G&P Salient Arms International (SAI) AEG that have arrived at Landwarrior Airsoft, and while there, browse also other weapons accessories that G&P also included in their...
View ArticleTFB: The Top 5 Most Reliable Guns
You will be probably debate this list, but for now keep an open mind and watch the Top 5 Most Reliable Guns compiled by The Firearm Blog... "What a hard list to make, but one that is requested...
View ArticleGunfire Summer Madness 2016 Prolonged
If you have not heard about it, you are hearing it now and you have a few days left to take advantage of this offer. Gunfire are having their Summer Madness Sale Prolonged with 800 more products added...
View ArticlePatrolBase: ASG Bren 805 AEG Disassembly
A detailed takedown by PatrolBase of the newly released ASG CZ Bren 805 AEG. A 2-part video with the first one is a general takedown showing you how to strip apart the AEG. The second video is going to...
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