BB2K Airsoft: Rare Arms XR-110 Review
Here now is the full review of the Rare Arms XR-110 Shell Ejecting Gas Blowback Rifle as promised by BB2K Airsoft... "The Rare Arms XR-110 and XR-25 is the new star of the Shell Ejecting GBB Airsoft...
View ArticleAirsoft Atlanta: Modify XTC-G1 AEG
Video from Airsoft Atlanta at the SHOT Show 2016 shows them checking out the Modify XTC-G1 AEG at the Jag Precision booh. The XTC-G1 will be distributed by Jag Precision in the USA... "The new Modify...
View ArticleFree Delivery Promo From Gunfire
Gunfire got a free service for you when you order from them from today until the Monday, the 8th of February 2016 --- a free delivery service for a minimum order... "The weather is getting better and...
View ArticleRainbow Six Siege Inspired Loadout
Check out this Rainbow Six Siege loadout put together by the Brain Exploder... "Sometimes you just get inspired, this is the case here. Playing the new game Rainbow Six Siege I was inspired by all the...
View ArticleMilitary1st's Helikon Clothing & Gear Range
UK based airsoft players wanting to find out about the full range of clothing and tactical gear products from Helikon-Tex can find them in one place, at Here is a video they made...
View ArticleHexcam Viral Camo Now At eHobby Asia
Check out this Hexcam Viral Camo Obliterator Set that you can get right now at eHobby Asia. Watch the video included here... "Hexcam refers the camouflage pattern that uses hexagons as its pattern...
View Classic Army Scarab PDW
We are actually liking what is coming out of the Classic Army factory in Hong Kong as the company ramps up full production after a quiet period that many wondered what happened to the company. Well,...
View ArticleAirsoft Atlanta: Airsoft World Announcement
Airsoft Atlanta TV announce the creation of a new YouTube Channel. Called "Airsoft World" all the airsoft gameplays that will be uploaded on YouTube will have to be uploaded to this channel as they...
View ArticleAgency Arms Urban Combat Training Pistol
Another video from Robo-Airsoft as taken from the SHOT Show 2016 showing the Agency Arms/RWA Urban Combat Training Pistol at the RedWolf Airsoft booth... "In this edition of Robo-Reviews, I review the...
View PTS Unity Tactical Atom Slide
Matt of checks out the PTS Unity Tactical Atom Slide at the SHOT Show 2016. Fully licensed from Unity Tactical, the Atom Slide was especially designed to allow the pistol owner to mount...
View ArticleKing Arms BRO Fallout 15 Photos & Video
A video and photos of the Black Rain Ordnance Fallout15 from King Arms before they celebrate the Chinese New Year. The company are carrying the license to produce Black Rain Ordnance products for the...
View ArticleHyperdouraku: GBLS DAS M4A1 EBB
It looks like the Koreans are back in the game of introducing new AEG technology. Hyperdouraku writes about the GBLS DAS (Direct Action System) M4A1 EBB which at first glance you will think of it as a...
View Article"A Counterstrike Bomb for Airsoft?"
It looks like Airsoftology was impressed with the Zoxna Dummy Bomb that was on display at the SHOT Show that they made a separate video on it after reporting about it in their daily SHOT Show 2016...
View ArticleNcStar SRT Gen 3 & 2016 VISM Sight
New optics from NcStar for 2016 that airsoft players may want to learn more about in this video from Airsoft Atlanta taken from the SHOT Show 2016... "New NCStar SRT Gen 3 3x9 Scope and 2016 VISM...
View ArticleNugentgl: GHK M4 Bolt Lock Problems?
Nugentgl has a tech tip for owners of the GHK M4 Gas Blowback Rifle and experiencing problemns with the Bolt... "If you have to constantly file your carrier to restore bolt lock OR you have replace...
View ArticleBlack Ops Diamond Back M4 Preview
Diles46 of Intrigue Airsoft gives us a quick preview of the Black Ops Diamond Back M4 AEG. Find out if this version is the one previously found at Walmart or the full metal premium version... "Had to...
View ArticleAirsoft GI: Classic Army ISSC MK22
Airsoft GI now has the Classic Army ISSC MK22 in stock and they say it's already pre-upgraded for good CQB performance... "The Classic Army ISSC MK22 Commando is an officially licensed Airsoft version...
View ArticleNeo035's AGM STG44/ MP44 AEG Review
Neoo35 reviews a more affordable STG44/MP44 airsoft replica for collectors and reenactors on a budget. The AGM MP44 AEG has electric blowback features and for its price, it's a full metal airsoft gun...
View ArticleKing Arms Invites You To IWA 2016
King Arms will be at the IWA Outdoor Classics 2016 in Nuremberg, Germany this month and they are inviting you to visit their booth. If you will be going, be sure to visit them at booth 7-532 which is...
View ArticleG&G Armament RK104 ETU Announced
G&G Armament announces that they are now taking pre-orders for the G&G RK104 ETU... "The Kalashnikov platform has been in nearly every major conflict on every continent in the world. Tried,...
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