"Are Mesh Goggles Safe for Airsoft?"
Airsoftology's Jonathan Higgs goes back to the question of safety in using mesh goggles in airsoft... "In this week's Mondays, Jonathan takes on your questions about; the best and worst camouflage for...
View ArticleASGI: G&G G960 SV Sniper Rifle
Next up to feature the newly released G&G G960 SV Sniper Rifle is Airsoft GI. Soon to be available to order at their online store, the G&G G960 SV is the spring version of the G960 Bolt Action...
View ArticleEvike [The Gun Corner]: KWA AKR-74M ERG
Evike.com are now taking pre-orders for the KWA AKR-74M ERG and Matt talks about more of this product in this episode of "The Gun Corner"... "The KWA AKR-74M is an AK style, Electric Recoil Gun [ERG]...
View ArticleAirsoft Atlanta: Echo1 PSR Sniper Rifle Review
Up next for review by Airsoft Atlanta is the Echo1 USA PSR Airsoft Sniper Rifle... "Today we review the Echo 1 PSR Airsoft Sniper Rifle - a SOLID VSR gun! The PSR is a clone of the Tokyo Marui VSR-10,...
View ArticleAirsoft Classifieds Website Launched
The latest airsoft buy and sell website, Airsoft Classifieds, is now open for business... "Set up by airsofters for airsofters, Airsoft Classifieds is the new way to buy and sell pre-loved airsoft guns...
View ArticleKing Arms Hop-Up Durability Test Video
A video demonstrating the durability and stability of the King Arms Hop-Up Units. The units tested are the 60 degree and 40 degree and subjected submersion in Liquid Gas which was at 25ºC. Then this...
View Article707 Sixka Brand Now Uses PenCott Patterns
Find the products that uses the PenCott Camo patterns under 707 Tactical Gear's SixKa brand... "707 Tactical Gear out of Miami, Florida is now making a wide range of tactical clothing and boots in...
View ArticleKrytac Nation Cerakote AEG Sweepstakes
Another Krytac AEG giveaway on Facebook and the prize is something that you wouldn't want to miss owning... "Attention KRYTAC NATION starting today you have a chance to win a special KRYTAC Give Away!...
View ArticleMore On Valken Tactical's Gunfire Visit
Another video from Gunfire during the visit of Valken Tactical to their HQ in Poland right after Border War 8. We watch Josh and Janek let the Gunfire folks test the HPA system that they have for...
View ArticleTFB: "Top 5 Guns I Regret Buying"
Another Top 5 list from The Firearm Blog, but this time it's about guns that the author regrets buying... "Well, we can't always pick a winner. In this video, Alex talks about five firearms that...
View ArticleBB Wars Episode V: Water Wars #2
In part 2 of the Airsoft GI's BB Wars Episode V: BB Wars gameplay, Rebel Forces have to defuse the nuke. Sounds like fun... "Imperial forces prepare a nuke to take out the water filtration plant. If...
View ArticlePlan Beta ICU 2.0 Tacticam Released
Plan Beta announces the ICU 2.0 Tacticam which is a quick follow up on their first version of the Integrated Camcorder Unit (ICU) which was released with ultraVGA resolution. ICU 2.0 now comes in 720p...
View ArticleTraining As Guest Of The Recon Unit
A new video from Juan Montoya Airsoft is his third video training as a gues with the Recon Unit. The description is a rough English translation, pardon the confusion... "For this last video, I mix both...
View ArticleG&G & Evike.com's OP: Civil War Event
A fan appreciation event by G&G Armament and Evike.com will take place on the 18th of June 2016 and tickets are now up for sale... "Secure your spot before the event is sold out! See you on the...
View ArticleAirsoftology: Ares Amoeba CCP M4 AEG
Airsoftology's Jonathan Higgs features the Ares Amoeba CCP M4 AEG "Pistols" in this video review. This compact AEG can be handy as a CQB primary or backup in woodland games... "Jonathan dives in with...
View ArticleBodgeUps Airsoft On ROF Limit & MED
What do you think about ROF limits and Minimum Engagement Distance (MED)? Always a debate and subject to how airsoft game site owners treat such, Bodgeups Airsoft shares his thoughts... "Here's...
View ArticleUAC Upgrade Parts For Marui M4A1 MWS
Check out these new upgrade parts released by UAC for the Tokyo Marui M4A1 MWS Gas Blowback Rifle... "UAC has been keep developing new and innovation products and we are now one step ahead to develop...
View ArticleRWTV: Cybergun FN 5-7 Gas Blowback Pistol
Find out the latest FN FiveseveN airsoft version from Cybergun in this video from RWTV. Will it better than than versions from Marushin and Tokyo Marui?... "The New FN5-7 GBB pistol by Cybergun is the...
View Article5.11, Angry Gun, TOP, APS At eHobby Asia
A good list of new items in stock at eHobbyAsia such as tactical clothing from 5.11 Tactical, parts from APS and Angry Gun. As for airsoft guns, the TOP (Japan) SR-16 URX 3.1 Ultimate Shell Ejecting...
View ArticleJAG Arms PHX-15 Series Introduction
Brian Holt gives us an introduction of Jag Precision's JAG Arms PHX-15 in this video... "We are proud to introduce the JAG Arms PHX-15 series by JAG Precision and VFC. These AEGs come loaded with...
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